Friday, 2 January 2015

Missing something!

It's around 1 a.m and I'm disturbing my lappy to scribble my feelings. Maybe this time I don't need any thought process to give my mind for adding in some rhyming words. It's because, these are directly from my heart. So, this is my first day with no one around me, with the absence of those idiots who never let me sleep peacefully, disturbing by calling out my name, cracking jokes, giggling around, singing songs. And yes, this is my first day missing those sounds, their voices, their faces, of course...them. Never ever do I gave a thought of how this day would be. Time really is pityless that fleets as fast as 'Bolt'. Maybe those idiots are responsible for it. I planned to surprise them with a video, which has all their pics sinking with background musics and cute lines. But just our pics on slideshow seems to be enough to get a tear out of my eyes. I feel like just now I opened the first chapter of the book, but on a single flip I reached the last chapter and now the last word of the last line of the last page.OMG! it seriously gives a pain though I act strong to hold it. All the funny dialogues, nicknames, fan-following, crazy scrap books, sleepovers, gatherings, everything in a brief 5 months. People say, 'college days are the best part of anyone's life'. And they wish to get it back. So do I. But not the entire 4 years the past 5 months. Enough. Only the past 5 months. Where the other part of my heart says, "If you get it back, then it won't be a treasure." In that case, I would surely treasure it to my best forever and ever!!

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